Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Morning Photo Session, Downtown Phoenix

I am excited to post some of the engagement photos of Domanique and her fiance, Derek.

She wanted two different styles of photography, so I took her downtown Phoenix for a crumbly-old, urban feel. Lucky us - it was a beautiful morning after a stormy night.

I do like to add small enhancements (sometimes significant) to my photos, and so most of these have elements of photoshop.

This one I used cross processing for a different take on a portrait.

For this next one, I loved the framing of the crumbling bricks and concrete, but the background received quite a bit of photoshop help.

These two met in their LDS mission in Oklahoma. They are ideally framed by a random old door that reminds them of tracting. Reminiscing...

Just hanging out - got to love that.
Romantic? Yes!

This one seems to say to me: contentment. I love it.

Congratulations you two! By the way - I LOVED spending time on your engagement photos. Thanks!