Saturday, January 10, 2009

Impromptu photo shoot - of me!

My mom cracks me up sometimes. I was all dressed up to go to a party when my mom looks out the window and says "hey - that lighting is perfect, let's go". So I followed her outside where she spent about 3 minutes photographing me. She tells me, "I'm just playing with... how do you say it?... bo-keh..." Add some backlighting to the bokeh for a result that looks like this:

This photo is my favorite of the set, but I uploaded it into photoshop because I felt that the color of the shirt was distracting. So I masked it and ever-so-slightly de-saturated it's blue color. It fits in so much better now.
No photoshop required for this one. Thanks mom for the impromptu photo shoot! I like how my hair has a red tint in this one, like yours. I guess we can thank the Arizona sunset lighting for that.