Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Engagement Shoot...finally

Here are a few of my favorites from the shoot. Jenesse may have others that are her favorites and I will let her post those when she has time. Later today I will add Jordan's prom pictures. It has been a busy couple weeks...and going to get more so soon. Happy times!

This wall is awesome as a background

Love the backlighting here

Close shots are some of my favorite

This is at Old Main...the red brick is awesome!

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Monday, May 4, 2009

Fountain Shot

This is Jenesse's favorite fountain at ASU. She says she used to wait on this bench forAaron to get out of class.

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Engagement preview

Here is a preview of the photo shoot I did for Jenesse and Aaron. I will post more in the next few days. ASU has many fun photo areas that we took advantage of. It was a fun morning.
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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Scouting for a photo shoot at ASU next week.

I got engaged a couple weeks ago! So my mother is graciously tagging along with us to ASU to take our wedding invitation photos. Yay!

Here are a couple of my favorite "point-and shoot" snapshots from the scouting trip.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Impromptu photo shoot - of me!

My mom cracks me up sometimes. I was all dressed up to go to a party when my mom looks out the window and says "hey - that lighting is perfect, let's go". So I followed her outside where she spent about 3 minutes photographing me. She tells me, "I'm just playing with... how do you say it?... bo-keh..." Add some backlighting to the bokeh for a result that looks like this:

This photo is my favorite of the set, but I uploaded it into photoshop because I felt that the color of the shirt was distracting. So I masked it and ever-so-slightly de-saturated it's blue color. It fits in so much better now.
No photoshop required for this one. Thanks mom for the impromptu photo shoot! I like how my hair has a red tint in this one, like yours. I guess we can thank the Arizona sunset lighting for that.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Long Arm Quilting

This is Carol Poulson. She is a professional quilter and more importantly, my Mother and Jenesse's Grandma. She pieced this amazing quilt as a gift for Jenesse's graduation from ASU's nursing program. Then she let Jenesse quilt it on her Gammell long arm machine.
The lighting here is not the best. She has a VERY bright overhead light above her machine.

It turned out BEAUTIFUL! To see more of her quilts and this one finished, go to:
You won't be disappointed. :-)
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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Morning Photo Session, Downtown Phoenix

I am excited to post some of the engagement photos of Domanique and her fiance, Derek.

She wanted two different styles of photography, so I took her downtown Phoenix for a crumbly-old, urban feel. Lucky us - it was a beautiful morning after a stormy night.

I do like to add small enhancements (sometimes significant) to my photos, and so most of these have elements of photoshop.

This one I used cross processing for a different take on a portrait.

For this next one, I loved the framing of the crumbling bricks and concrete, but the background received quite a bit of photoshop help.

These two met in their LDS mission in Oklahoma. They are ideally framed by a random old door that reminds them of tracting. Reminiscing...

Just hanging out - got to love that.
Romantic? Yes!

This one seems to say to me: contentment. I love it.

Congratulations you two! By the way - I LOVED spending time on your engagement photos. Thanks!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Derek and Domanique's Engagement Portraits

These two are getting married in June this year, so first off: congratulations! And secondly, we're hoping you enjoy the results of your engagement photo session! - kimber

I can't say enough about this perfect lighting.

Doesn't he just look incredibly happy?

Thanks for letting us be a part of your wedding planning - we wish you two all the best!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Spontaneous Photography

Happy New Year!

While traveling to visit my grandfather (their great-grandfather) we spotted these train tracks and just knew we needed to get out and take pictures...

That snow really does reflect the sunlight.
Four out of five of my kids. We'll be sure to e-mail it to Jeff in Spain. ;)